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Ana María Díaz Collazos adiazcoll@gmail.com |
Participants: | 25 |
Type of Study: | naturalistic |
Location: | Colombia |
Media type: | not available |
DOI: | doi:10.21415/T5GC7V |
In accordance with TalkBank rules, any use of data from this corpus must be accompanied by at least the above reference.
Description: Sociolinguistic interviews in Spanish to people from the Nikkei community in Cali, Colombia, South America. 21 interviews to native speakers of Japanese of various levels of proficiency (Begininning to near native) and four to native speakers of Spanish. The recordings were transcribed by Ana María Díaz Collazos and Ángela María Collazos Sandoval. The project was supported by the National Science Foundation. Diego Pascual y Cabo collaborated.