BilingBank Welsh-English Bangor Pilot Corpus

Margaret Deuchar
ESRC Centre for Research on Bilingualism
Bangor University


Participants: 15
Type of Study: naturalistic / radio
Location: Wales
Media type: audio
DOI: doi:10.21415/T53W2Q

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Project Description

The corpus was transcribed in 2004/05 as part of a small research project funded by the British Academy, entitled "Structural aspects of Welsh-English code-switching". The main theoretical aim of the project was to test Myers-Scotton's (2002) Matrix Language Frame (MLF) model of code switching with Welsh-English data.

The data consist of recordings of informal conversations involving groups or pairs of speakers in North-West Wales and excerpts from BBC Radio Cymru programs. We would like to express our thanks to the Bangor students and researchers (named in the transcript headers) who recorded the informal conversations within their social networks and kindly gave us permission to use the recordings. We are also grateful to all the speakers involved. Details regarding the context of each conversation and the speakers involved are given in the header of each transcript. However, the real names of speakers and other persons mentioned (other than professional radio presenters, actors, politicians etc.) as well as house names have been replaced by pseudonyms from words used conventionally to refer to letters, e.g. Alpha, Bravo, Charlie (see e.g., in the transcripts. Finally we would like to thank the BBC for their permission to use the BBC radio programs.

Usage Restrictions

Publications using these data should cite the following article:

Deuchar, M. (forthcoming). Welsh-English code-switching and the Matrix Language Frame model. Lingua.